Friday 17 January 2014

Bird & the sun


Eadweard Muybridge

Eadweard Muybridge

Edward James Muggeridge had many different names for himself, however many were very opinionated of him as a person and of his work. Growing up Edward was known for inventing a new trick or toy, he had said do a relative that he was going to make something of himself and that if he didn't he would never be seen again. He was a man of many jobs, he like to think a himself as a scientist, an artist, a pioneer and he was adamant to be in the lime light; he made his way to America.   

After five years of being in America it was 1855 when his name was first recognized as a bookseller and went by the surname "Muggridge". He soon realized that it wasn't what he wanted to do with his life, so of course he announced to the public that he was in fact leaving the US. On his journey to leave America his stagecoach had crashed leaving Edward suffering with a head injury causing him to see double vision. He had said that his whole life had flashed before his eyes and that he had experienced a kind of spiritual sign so he went back to England in 1861. Six years later after learning the wet collodion process creating many pieces of photographs one of which was of a light house with he had models pose in very precise places in the image the sky showed up white and so the clouds were taken separately later then to be added to the finished piece.


In 1867 Edward had changed his name to Helious and He became a chemist alongside being a photographer he learnt from other famous artists such as William Keith's landscape paintings. He boasted about his work to the press calling the photographs the most exquisite views ever created, people descibed him as more of a salesman than an inventor or a scientist. Edward liked the instability, darkness, and loneliness of his photos and new exactly what would and wouldn’t sell. In the marketing industry the wilderness was the fashion of that particular time and that is what Edward sold along with some others, which inspired people to travel to America. Edward started using stereoscopic images (two images side by side) of America's railway as well as buildings which were getting taller and the images sold all over the world. He captured image of himself under a giant tree which was different to the images he had done in the past in this particular image he looks very uncomfortable, serious and some what lonely. 

Later on he met his wife Flora Shallcross Stone who was still married to a previous partner but Muybridge paid for her to get a divorce and soon after married her. Eadward went away to work as he was approached by a client who had asked if its was possible to photograph a horse with all 4 legs in the air which Muybridge thought was very unlikely until he created a type of stop motion a shutter which would open and close, although the experiment didn't entirely work he still had captured proof that the horses 4 legs were in fact off the ground and he was still in headlines which caused some reporters to question his discovery and began mocking him but it didn't stop Eadweard.

Flora fell pregnant and soon after gave birth to a boy who was named Florado Muybridge, his wife had an affair and so He took the new railway up to Napa Valley journeyed up to Yellow Jacket ranch and shot Flora's lover (Harry Larkyn).

After the shooting Muybridge had changed completely and begun to perfect the photograph of the horse with all 4 feet off the air. He took a different approach by creating a mechanism that took several pictures of the horse. This was called stop motion it improved his discovery. Leland Stanford who was working with Eadweard at the time took full credibility for his work, which inspired Muybridge to create more similar images of different animals then people in the nude. As time went by more artists and filmmakers were inspired by Muybridge’s stop motion theory and began using it in films.