Thursday 26 June 2014

2D/ 3D Storyboard

vector & bitmap

Parklife Weekender Advert Finished Project & Evaluation

Although my 2D animation was a success I think there is still room for improvement which for example my timing needed to be more in point I noticed some miner delays which could have been easily resolved, and will be something I'll make a priority so that it improves my work.

Using survey monkey I set up an online questionnaire, which I posted on a social website which is most popular for researchers collecting qualitative research. The results were very clear 30% of people who thought the parklife weekender advertisement was a success although compared to the existing advert it took a different approach which made it more unique. 40% of people said the style of the advert was different to ones you see on TV everyday, and the remaining 30% of people said that it would definitely appeal to the audience.

Candy Pops Yogurt Tops Finished Project & Evaluation

Although I edited my animation to the best of my ability and stuck to my criteria I think the animation itself would have been more of a smoother finish and added more frames so that it wouldn't look as jumpy or delayed and perhaps perfect my modelling skills. 

In conclusion for the next 3D animation I create it'll be my main concern to choose something that is easier to create and more so that I can relate it to some of the 3D animation advertisements on the television today. Using survey monkey I set up an online questionnaire to get some research 50% said that it wouldn't be aired on the television because it doesn't look professional and the timing is delayed. 20% said that it appeals to the audience that its aimed at however the remaining 30% said that it needs improving.